Having cut my teeth shooting photos of flamenco and contemporary dance in theatres and in the studio, around 2017 I started making short films, with my then partner, artist Rinat Izhak, and with the pro-European movement DiEM25. In 2018 I started making the documentary "Liwan: a Story of Cultural Resistance" with my friend the artist Doris Hakim, which I completed editing and post-production on at the beginning 2021. The film has had great success in festivals, and we're still working on promoting it. For more details on this project, see this page.

Latest trailer for our documentary "Liwan", produced with artist/activist Doris Hakim

Corona Diet: a video made during lockdown as part of a workshop on video/dance for Dansmakers Amsterdam.

Trailer for documentary in production: 'Liwan'

Mirar Más Allá (See Beyond) - video documenting 'portable forest' installation

Video for 'AreArt - Barrio de Artistas' - mini festival aiming at exploring the relationship between local people and local artists

Video produced for DiEM25 interviewing some of their activists

Video produced for DiEM25 promoting their New Deal for Europe

Video produced for DiEM25 warning about the rise of fascism in Europe

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